Monday, June 18, 2012


I've been gaming, that is: playing pen and paper role playing games, for around 16 years.  I sat down to play my first session of Robotech in Lacey Washington in the 8th grade.  I was 13, but it was only a few months before I turned 14. 

More than the killing monsters or amassing treasure, I love the telling the story.  That's what's great about rpgs.  We get to come together and tell a story that could potentially be better than any movie, tv show, book, or anything else.

I've played a lot of games over the years and I've seen a lot of good ideas and, unfortunately, a lot of bad ideas.  I'm pickiest about fantasy games.  Fantasy games, like dnd, are the most rules and logistic intensive, but they're also the ones that have the fewest innovations.  I like the fantasy genre, but I haven't been totally happy in a classic fantasy campaign in a LONG time.

Like most gamers I've played around with house rules, but they're not enough for me.  For me to get the fantasy game I want, I've decided that the answer is to start at the ground and work my way up:

I'm using the D20 system as a template, but I'm changing a ton and including a lot of good ideas from other systems as well.  I want rules that work with the narrative and help promote story telling.  Plus I'll be looking for other ways to enrich my game.

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