I've been gaming, that is: playing pen and paper role playing games, for around 16 years. I sat down to play my first session of Robotech in Lacey Washington in the 8th grade. I was 13, but it was only a few months before I turned 14.
More than the killing monsters or amassing treasure, I love the telling the story. That's what's great about rpgs. We get to come together and tell a story that could potentially be better than any movie, tv show, book, or anything else.
I've played a lot of games over the years and I've seen a lot of good ideas and, unfortunately, a lot of bad ideas. I'm pickiest about fantasy games. Fantasy games, like dnd, are the most rules and logistic intensive, but they're also the ones that have the fewest innovations. I like the fantasy genre, but I haven't been totally happy in a classic fantasy campaign in a LONG time.
Like most gamers I've played around with house rules, but they're not enough for me. For me to get the fantasy game I want, I've decided that the answer is to start at the ground and work my way up:
I'm using the D20 system as a template, but I'm changing a ton and including a lot of good ideas from other systems as well. I want rules that work with the narrative and help promote story telling. Plus I'll be looking for other ways to enrich my game.
Cool beans, looking forward to how this turns out.